The Results Are In!
Spring cleaning is well underway, but how many of us think about or even know how to properly discard e-waste? As you clean out your garage, closets, or children's rooms this weekend, make sure your electronics are not tossed in your trash bin. As a DP tenant, we are offering a free pick - up of e-waste starting Monday through Thursday of next week. This includes phones, computers, laptops, Kindles, I-Pads, VCR’s and printers. This is a great way to purge unwanted items in your home or office and do your small part for our Earth.
Diamond Properties recently celebrated Earth Day with our annual collection drive of recyclable electronics. Unlike other recycling products which mostly consist of plastics and paper, most people don’t know where or how to safely discard their laptops, phones and other electronics. We have a strong focus on renewability, re-purposing and especially recycling. In the past three years tenants’ participation has grown. Thanks to our tenants, employees, and building managers for their participation in this year’s E-Waste Recycling Week!