Former Bow Tie Hartford theater to be converted to 12-screen theater with an arcade, bar, other ente

"The 17-screen multiplex at 330 New Park Ave. in Hartford, recently vacated by Bow Tie Cinemas, will be converted into a 12-screen multiplex, replacing the other five theaters with an arcade, a bar and possibly axe-throwing or miniature golf, the property’s owner announced on Thursday.
'Bow Tie had the traditional 17-screen, large-theater complex. You wouldn’t build a theater in today’s world with 17 screens,” said Bill Diamond of Diamond Properties, the owner of the 74,170-square-foot building. “If you look at some of the leaders in the movie-theater industry today, they do very upscale theater concepts alongside laser tag, arcades, bowling, a bar, all of them together.'"
By Susan Dunne
Hartford Courant
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